Business Intelligence

Business intelligence solutions to drive better outcomes

Business Intelligence (BI) administrations mean to fulfill the requirements of organizations intending to create, redo or improve their BI arrangements or advantage from canny investigating a membership charge premise.

 Million IT Solutions renders a full scope of BI administrations to assist organizations with profiting by bits of knowledge that permit driving cost sparing, improving execution and developing business.

Not certain what BI administration would suit your undertaking best? Connect with us, and we’ll think of proposals.

Business Intelligence Services we deliver

BI Consulting

We guarantee the achievement of your BI activity, be it BI advancement, patch up, progress or relocation, by:

  • Breaking down divided business needs, just as voiced-out and concealed issues to make a usage/improvement/movement guide.
  • Planning a cloud/on-premises/half and half BI arrangement on a cutting edge and strong innovation base to help your vital methodology.
  • Exhorting on the procedures and methods to guarantee information quality and security.
  • Expounding an execution and client reception procedures.
  • Conveying a proof of idea (for complex activities).
Bi consulting

BI implementation

We transform the previously mentioned counseling suggestions into code to convey:

  • A unified BI framework covering all BI segments (an information lake, an information stockroom, online explanatory preparing 3D shapes, remove change load forms, announcing) that incorporates information from different inward and outside information sources and changes over it into experiences.
  • Data science abilities (counting AI and profound figuring out how) to give you progressed examination that empowers guaging and business forms streamlining.
  • Data quality administration methods to guarantee that the nature of information is certainly.
  • Data security approaches to delineate jobs and their authorizations and guarantee job based access to information.

BI Support

We assist you with keeping your BI arrangement going by rendering advancement and organization bolster administrations:

  • Advancement bolster covers investigating (i.e., taking care of issues on the code level) like modifying a flawed ETL procedure, and development, such as including new information sources or making new reports as your business needs change.
  • Organization support incorporates such exercises as refreshing programming, including new clients, dealing with consents, just as overseeing information.
Bi & Support

BI as a Service

We carry an incentive to the organizations that need to rapidly transform their information into significant bits of knowledge and don’t plan to plunge into specialized subtleties. Inside 6 to about two months after our participation begins, we furnish you with:

  • Access to predefined reports.
  • Self-administration examination to empower specially appointed detailing.
  • Alarming.

Why Choose Million IT Solutions

Our Business Intelligence & Analytics services are 100% accurate and perfectly matching the requirement of your business. Our group is a specialist in cutting-edge technology to modify everything that results in fully functional and highly dynamic interactive web solutions.